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Bus Rider Safety Rules


  • The bus driver is in charge of students on the bus and his/her directions regarding bus safety must be followed at all times.
  • All passengers MUST WEAR SEAT BELTS at all times on School Buses equipped with seat belts. • Only authorized personnel and registered eligible bus students are permitted to ride that bus. Students WILL NOT be allowed to ride any bus other than their assigned bus.
  • Emergency transportation may be granted on a temporary basis by the Director or Assistant Director of Transportation. Notes from parents/guardian will not be accepted as authorization to ride a bus. • Buses will stop at designated stops only. Those stops are assigned by the Transportation Department based on the student's recorded home address. Students are to arrive at their bus stop (5) five minutes before their pick-up time.  Students will wait next to (but not in) the street, driveway or parking lot. Students must wait for the bus to come to a  complete stop before approaching to board or standing to leave the bus.  
  • Students will remain properly seated (facing forward keeping feet on the floor in front of them) at all times and not block the center aisle.
  • Students must keep their hands, head, feet and personal objects inside the bus at all times.
  • Scuffling, shoving, hitting, or fighting is prohibited on the bus and at designated bus stops. Zero tolerance will be applied.
  • No spitting. No student shall cause their body fluids to make contact with other persons and/or common objects on the bus.
  • Littering or throwing items inside or from the bus is prohibited.
  • Students are not allowed to consume candy, food or drink or use tobacco products on the bus. (Exception: During extreme heat, drivers may allow students to consume water only.)
  • Students shall not deface or vandalize the bus or related equipment. Students who violate this rule will be required to pay for damages and lose their bus privileges for a period of time to be determined.
  • Students may not yell, use profanity, abusive or inappropriate language, display obscene gestures or gang signs. • Students are not to engage in verbal or physical behavior that constitutes Sexual Harassment of another person. • Students shall comply with the Argyle ISD dress code on all buses.
  • Students shall not use cell phones on bus (unless authorized by driver for emergency purposes). • Students are not allowed to bring animals on the bus.
  • Students are not allowed to bring harmful objects on the bus (i.e., weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, fireworks, laser lights, etc.).
  • Band instruments or class projects are allowed on Argyle ISD buses provided they can be held by the student (not taller than shoulder or seat back), fit in the seat with the student, do not interfere with the availability of seating for other students, and do not interfere with the safety of students or bus operation.
  • In the event any of these conditions exist, parents will be notified by Transportation that they must provide an alternate means of transporting their child’s instrument and/or project to and from school.  
  • Students are not to engage in any other conduct that disrupts the safe operation of the bus.
  • All Argyle ISD Campus and Transportation policies and rules are enforceable within 300 feet of any AISD bus stop or campus.


All written incident reports are submitted to the assistant director of transportation who forwards to the campus principal. Principal interviews student and determine discipline based on student code of conduct. 

After the third written incident report parent must meet with the student, school principal, assistant transportation director and administrator. Incidents over three could result in suspension. 

Bus routes are created to enhance student safety while maximizing vehicle efficiency. Stops are created at locations that allow  students to wait off the main roadway for the bus if at all possible. Stops are not placed in cul-de-sacs or dead-end streets. Bus stops will be located at the corner of intersections and middle of the block that match the distance guidelines. The above criteria apply to regular education students only. Special Program stops will have a consolidated bus stop such as elementary schools. Special needs stops are subject to different criteria. 

• Elementary & Intermediate school - bus stop will average up to .25 miles (1320 feet) if the area permits. • Middle school and High school - bus stop will average up to .50 miles (2640 feet) if the area permits.