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Special Education

Welcome to the Department of Special Education at Argyle Independent School District. The department serves students who meet criteria for an educational disability condition and by reason thereof need specially designed instruction in order to access and progress in the curriculum and meet the standards of the district that apply to all students. Please explore the various links on this page to learn about our staff, available services, important notices, and resources that may benefit your child.

2024 TEA review and stakeholder survey

Dear Parent,

Texas Education Agency (TEA) conducts cyclical reviews of school districts' special education programming. All school districts in the state are reviewed on a six-year rotating schedule. Argyle ISD is currently participating in the cyclical review process.

One component of TEA's review process is to gather stakeholder feedback. You are invited to provide feedback by clicking the survey link below. The attached letter from TEA contains additional information about the survey.

Please note, when completing the first two survey prompts, you should select the following from the dropdown menus:

ESC Region: ESC 11 - Fort Worth

LEA Name and Number: ARGYLE ISD, (061910)

Special Education Stakeholder Survey (English)

Special Education Stakeholder Survey (Spanish)

Read the TEA letter providing detailed explanations of the survey and its purpose in English.

Read the TEA letter providing detailed explanations of the survey and its purpose in Spanish

Mark Ruggles

Director Special Education

Melissa Kistler

Administrative Assistant