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Armed Staff Program (Guardian Program)

Armed Staff Program Overview

Following the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary on Dec. 14, 2012, the AISD Board of Trustees ordered an evaluation of the district’s safety, security, and emergency response policies.  

On April 24, 2013, a community forum was held to present and discuss the various options that were available to the District.  On May 15th, 2013, with feedback from the AISD community, the Board voted to approve the amending of local policy to allow armed staff and district officials.  In 2013 the board also authorized a pilot training program created to evaluate and train Board-authorized District employees to possess firearms on District property.

Upon further evaluation and a successful pilot, the AISD Board of Trustees voted to adopt a policy that allows the Board to authorize specific employees to participate in the program.  The AISD Armed Staff Program procedures include:

  • All armed staff members are volunteers.  No one is forced to carry and the ability to carry is NOT a condition of employment.  No additional pay or stipend is given to an employee who volunteers to be a member of the armed staff program.

  • Only district employees who have obtained and maintain a current License to Carry AND have been approved by the AISD Board of Trustees are allowed to carry a weapon as a part of the AISD Armed Staff Program.  Possession of a License to Carry does NOT grant an employee the ability to carry a firearm on campus.

  • All interested members must go through a detailed process in order to be presented to the Board for approval.  This includes:

    • The Candidate will express their interest to the Armed Staff Director.
    • The Candidate will undergo a rigorous interview process with the Armed Staff Director, as well as other armed staff members/trainers.
    • The Candidate will undergo a full psychological evaluation.
    • The Candidate will complete a comprehensive, 4-day firearm and emergency response training course.
  • The names of all armed staff members are kept confidential.  Names of participants in the Armed Staff program are protected from requests for information based on the Public Information Act.

  • All Armed Staff members are required to re-qualify each semester.

  • AISD utilizes the “Guardian” program which is different from the Texas School Marshall program.  AISD chose this method due to the effectiveness of having the staff carry their weapons, therefore reducing the response time during an emergency situation.

  • Ongoing, district-wide emergency response and active shooter training, force-on-force scenarios, and exercises are held throughout the year.


Please contact Michael Lemish with additional questions.