Purchasing cooperatives are created through interlocal agreements that allow school districts and other public entities to take advantage of existing contracts to purchase goods and services. By joining together, entities take advantage of economies of scale that may increase purchasing power, result in better pricing, and simplify the purchasing process.
1GPA - 1Government Procurement Alliance
Allied States Cooperative - ESC19
CTPA - Central Texas Purchasing Alliance
Choice Partners
Denton County Cooperative
EPCNT - Educational Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas
MRPC - Region 10 - Multi-Region Purchasing Cooperative
MRPC - Region 11 - Multi-Region Purchasing Cooperative
NCTOG/TXshare - North Central Texas Council of Governments
Omnia Partners
PACE - Purchasing Association of Cooperative Entities
PCA - Purchasing Cooperative of America
TETPC - Region 11 - Texas Educational Technology Purchasing Consortium
TIPS -The Interlocal Purchasing System
Tarrant County Cooperative