All personnel employed on a regular basis for at least four and one-half months are members of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS). Your earnings from this job are not covered under Social Security.
When you retire, or if you become disabled, you may receive a pension based on earnings from this job. If you do, and you are also entitled to a benefit from Social Security based on either your own work or the work of your husband or wife, or former husband or wife, your pension may affect the amount of the Social Security benefit you receive. Your Medicare benefits, however, will not be affected. For more information, please visit or the SSA-1945 you signed during your onboarding process.
TRS provides members with an annual statement of their account showing all deposits and the total account balance for the year ending August 31, as well as an estimate of their retirement benefits. It is the employee’s responsibility to update their address directly with TRS.