MAP™ Growth Testing
What is MAP™ Growth?
A test that adapts to your child's responses in real-time to measure your child's skill level.
Why is my child taking MAP™ Growth?
MAP™ Growth measures what students know and what they don't know, regardless of their grade level. This helps teachers adjust their instruction for each student. It also measures growth over time, allowing you to track your student's progress throughout the school year and across multiple years.
What is an RIT Score?
The overall score for a subject is based on a Rasch unit (RIT) scale that indicates how your child performed in a subject.
What do Achievement and Growth mean?
Achievement: How well your child has learned skills in a subject compared to similar students nationwide.*
Growth: A measure of your child's personal progress over the year.
*Similar students - kids with the same starting RIT score, the same number of weeks of instruction, and the same grade.
For questions regarding your child's performance, please contact his/her teacher.
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