Bond Oversight Committee
Bond Growth & Planning Committee
The Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) The Bond Oversight Committee (the Committee) will serve in an advisory capacity to the AISD School Board and Administration over the next five years to ensure project work remains faithful to the priorities and planning of the 2022 Bond and Growth Planning Committee. Argyle ISD parents Josh Combs and Randy Fite will serve as the BOC Co-Chairs.
● Provide accountability to the community by ensuring projects remain faithful to the priorities and projects approved by Argyle ISD voters.
● Educate and inform Argyle community members on the progress of bond projects.
● Provide advice and input from the community to the Board of Trustees on how to provide the best value to the taxpayers of the Argyle ISD.
● Review project timelines and financial reports, track budgets and amounts remaining for each project.
● Provide updates to the Argyle ISD Board of Trustees.
The Committee will be comprised of 10-20 community members and two (2) school board members. One co-chair will be elected by the Committee from the Committee membership. The remaining co-chair will be appointed by the elected co-chair. A current school board member will serve as committee liaison. The Committee membership will be comprised of community members with relevant expertise in fields such as finance, construction, project management, technology, and education. There will be a goal of balancing relevant skills and broad community representation. No member shall have a conflict of interest with any portion of the 2022 Bond Program.
The BOC meets every two months at the Argyle ISD Administration Building, located at 6701 Canyon Falls Dr. in Flower Mound at 5 p.m.
Committee Members
Co-Chair Josh Combs
Co-Chair Randy Fite
Jeremy Blad
Amy Cook
Rachel Epperson
Kyle Fletcher
Steven Glickman
Alan Greer
Brian Gasperson
Matthew Holtman
John Knowles
Stephanie Kelly
Wendy McCue
Clark McNulty
Scott Pitt
David Powell
Dave Salisbury
Leslee Shannon
Travis Taylor
Lori Volkman
School Board Liaisons
Craig Hawkesworth
Dr. Leona McDade
Matthew Slaton