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Bond 2022

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Argyle Independent School District voters approved a $267,885,000 bond as all three propositions passed in the Saturday, May 7, 2022 Bond Election.

The bond proposal was developed by the community-led Bond & Growth Planning Committee, comprised of 24 members who met over four months studying the district’s rapid growth figures, facilities and finances. 

With rapid residential growth in the area, Argyle ISD’s student enrollment is expected to double in the next five years, according to the demographer’s most recent report, released in April. Approval of the bond will allow the district to manage the growth by building two new elementary schools, a new Argyle Middle School and preparing for future schools. In addition, it will allow the district to purchase land, buses and furniture and make updates to safety and security.

“I am grateful that our Argyle ISD family has so strongly voted for the vision brought forth by our Bond Growth & Planning Committee and the unanimous recommendation from our School Board Trustees,” School Board President Sam Slaton said. “The passing of all three of these bond propositions greatly supports our vision for this district to be able to provide our children with the best opportunities for success. There are countless individuals in this district who have selflessly given their time and resources to help make sure that these bond propositions were aligned with our district needs, were fiscally responsible, and future-focused.”

The addition of a stadium and indoor activity center at Argyle High School in Canyon Falls will now provide new facilities on campus as AHS moves to Class 5A in 2022-2023. The new stadium will provide more capacity for the growing community and the indoor activity center on campus will be utilized by multiple teams and student groups that will no longer have to travel to the indoor facility at the 377 campus. Youth organizations will also use the indoor activity center.

The bond does not include an overall tax rate impact to voters. This is due to the impact of House Bill 3 and the tax compression to the Maintenance & Operations side of the school tax rate. The rate will drop and that was regardless if the bond passed or failed. More than 3,000 voters participated in early voting.

To view the election results on the Denton County website - CLICK HERE.

  • Proposition A (new schools/land/safety & security updates/buses/technology infrastructure & other facility improvements) passed with 69.5%

  • Proposition B (new stadium at Argyle High School) passed with 57.5%

  • Proposition C (new Indoor Activity Center at Argyle High School) passed with 55.7% 

  • Proposition A - New Schools, Infrastructure, Safety Updates & Buses ($221,085,000)

    • Elementary School #4 - $39,433,000 (2024) 

    • Elementary School #5 - $44,512,000 (2026)       

    • New Middle School #1 - $103,515,000 (2025)

    • Funding for Future Land - $20,000,000 

    • Design Fees for Middle School #2 - $4,975,000

    • Buses - $4,500,000

    • Furniture Refresh (Hilltop & Argyle Middle School) - $2,000,000 

    • Safety & Security Updates - $1,000,000

    • Hilltop Elementary playground improvements - $500,000

    • Acoustic Sound Shell at AHS auditorium - $350,000

    • Technology Infrastructure - $300,000

  • Proposition B - Stadium
    Stadium at Argyle High School in Canyon Falls - $26,915,000 (2024)

  • Proposition C - Indoor Activity Center
    Indoor Activity Center at Argyle High School in Canyon Falls - $19,885,000 (2025)