Public Forum Information
Public Forum Information
Argyle ISD and the Argyle ISD Board of Trustees receive statements and questions on various topics from community members during the public comment portion of Board Meetings. By law, Trustees are not permitted to respond or discuss statements/questions during public forum.
In our commitment to open dialogue and transparency, we are publishing verbatim transcripts of all public comments on the district website for the community to access. It's important to note that public comments reflect the personal views and opinions of the commenter, and may include inaccurate information. To ensure clarity and accuracy, Argyle ISD may choose to provide a response or clarification regarding posted public comments
- 2024-08-19 - Regular Meeting - Comments & Answers
- 2024-07-30 - Special Board Meeting - Comments & Answers
- 2024-07-15 - Regular Meeting - Comments & Answers
- 2024-06-17 - Regular Meeting - Comments & Answers
2024-08-19 - Regular Meeting - Comments & Answers
Thanks for letting me come here tonight. First, I’ve had the opportunity to meet with a couple of board members and I just wanna say thank you guys for the opportunity for me to meet, to be able to reach out, and you accept that invitation and actually one of you actually extending the invitation to me - so I thank you for that - it was awesome. So, anybody that’s listening to this or watches the recording, if you haven’t reached out to your board members, I recommend that you do so because they are willing to listen and it’s been - we’ve had some good conversations. So, I just wanna say thanks for that. I know as we’re getting closer into planning for future - not closer to - you are planning for the future. I know that one agenda item that I spoke on a couple of months ago was when the Middle School moves and it gets split to two middle schools and I know that the idea is to, apparently the idea is to move seventh and eighth grade in with the high school. I have a kid that’s not, probably will not, be zoned for that school and I just want to say that even though I don’t have a student that would go to that school - I just wanna ask you guys please consider something different. I just don’t think putting a 12-year-old daughter with an 18-year-old boy in the same school is a good idea - again it wouldn’t be my daughter, but if we were to move or something like that it could be, so again I just wanna bring that up. So that also makes me want to ask is this the only solution? Is it the best solution? I know it’s been done in the past. Argyle was a lot smaller. I just don’t want it to be because it’s something that we’ve always done and may not work this time, so I just wanted it to be something that’s considered. And again, if it’s been considered and you guys have mapped all this out and that is the best plan that’s great. I love that and I’m for that. Well - I shouldn’t say that. I’m still not for that. But I love the idea that it’s been mapped out and that is the best solution. So again, is the best solution?
Then, with no stats to support what I’m about to say, I do think from a community standpoint and maybe it’s just me - I do think that if this is the best solution and with anything that’s decided upon as to what the solution, is the final solution, if the community could get a - This is what happens if we go this way, this is what happens if we go another way, and this is why we chose this direction.
I also think that’ll help with any bonding that’s going to be needed in the future. I think people want to see you know what - OK there’s two solutions there’s three solutions and this is why we chose the solution that we chose. So, if that would be a possibility to see something like that, I think that would be a big help in support of a bond because it would show that hey, we understand there were two options, but this is why we chose this way. So anyways, I just had those few comments to make again I appreciate everything you guys are doing and love the opportunity to be able to meet with those that I’ve met with so thanks again.
Mr. Sterlings’s public comment addressed an action item on the agenda related to growth planning for the meeting held on August 19, 2024. The board voted 7-0 to adopt a revised Strategic Growth & Facilities Plan.
The following is additional insight into district planning. The district has been reviewing configurations for a few years, under both the previous administration and the current administration. Through various reviews of current facilities and enrollment expectations, the District and Board of Trustees believe the current plans to be the best option for AISD.
The new middle school will open on FM 407 in the fall of 2026. According to the demographer’s projections, AISD will have 1,181 seventh and eighth graders to begin that year. The capacity of that building is 1,200. The planning discussions have focused on the number of students and the building’s capacity in the first year it opens. The following year in 2027-28, AISD is slated to have 1,277 seventh and eighth graders which puts the district over capacity at the beginning of the school year. Additionally, beginning with the 2027-28 school year, the current AHS campus at Canyon Falls exceeds capacity, thus the timing on transitioning to two high schools in that year. The 2026-27 and 2027-28 school years are the pinch-point for secondary capacity in AISD. With this reality, the district looks to best utilize current facilities to avoid overcrowding buildings where necessary.
The 377 campus was originally a campus that served 7-12th graders for several years, including sixth graders at one point. Therefore, in its design and layout, it provides measures that allow the administration to successfully separate and serve students in those grade levels.
The district can utilize the 377 campus as the second middle school and avoid moving all students to the FM 407 middle school site to turn around the next year and have to move some of them out. This allows time for a second middle school to be considered on a bond and land parcels to be purchased.
The configuration at the 377 campus would be:
2026-27: 7-8th graders zoned for future Middle School #2 only
2027-28: 7-8th graders zoned for future Middle School #2 and 377 HS 9th-10th graders only
2028-29: 7-8th graders zoned for future Middle School #2 and 377 HS 9th-11th graders only
2029-30: 377 HS 9-12th graders only and 7-8th graders zones for future Middle School #2 would need a new school (bonded and built)
The district and campus administration will always have student safety as a priority and as the campus prepares to open as a combination site in 2027-28, the campus administration in place will have those procedures and practices well defined and communicated to students, parents, and all staff.
2024-07-30 - Special Board Meeting - Comments & Answers
The linked letter was read into public comment by the community member.
The agenda for the July 30, 2024 special board meeting was publicly posted on Thursday, July 25, 2024. As stated by Dr. Carpenter during the meeting, the District had not received the letter read into record by the community member as of the date of the meeting on July 30, 2024. When Dr. Carpenter stated no letter had been received, the community member stated the letter had been mailed on Friday. On Wednesday afternoon, July 31, 2024, the District officially received the certified letter read into record during the board meeting.
Full length District response may be accessed at this link.
2024-07-15 - Regular Meeting - Comments & Answers
ERIN REED: "Good evening. My name is Erin Reed and as most of you know, I have four daughters. I stand before you tonight to express my support for the decision to vote down the recent Title IX mandates. This choice is crucial for safeguarding our daughters’ rights and ensuring that our educational environment remains fair and equitable. Title IX was established to protect students from discrimination and it is essential that we continue to recognize and uphold the biological distinctions that exist between male and female students. Our daughters deserve a safe space where their rights and opportunities are not overshadowed by policies that blur these important lines. By voting against these mandates, we are affirming our commitment to protect the integrity of female sports, privacy in our locker rooms, and bathrooms, and the unique experiences that shape our daughters’ educational journeys. We are assuring that all students can thrive in an environment that respects their identity and fosters healthy competition. So, let’s prioritize the voices of our daughters and recognize their rights. Let’s continue to recognize students based on their biological sex while supporting those who choose to identify otherwise, at the moment. Together we can create a school community that is inclusive while also respecting biological realities. Thank you for considering the best interest of our children as you make this important decision. All present who are in agreement with me please stand in support of our Board and represent the majority of our community. Please stand. Thank you.”
Mrs. Reed’s public comment addressed an action item on the agenda for the meeting held on July 15, 2024. The board voted 6-0 to adopt a resolution denouncing the changes to Title IX. The board also voted 6-0 to adopt policy FA (LOCAL), which codifies the current practice regarding parental rights and responsibilities related to safeguards, facilities, and pronouns that has been in place since August 2022.
2024-06-17 - Regular Meeting - Comments & Answers
ACELA SPIEGELBERG: "Good evening. So, I wanted – there was two issues that I wanted to discuss. One is the traffic routes for JRE. It was something that I had brought up a year ago and when I spoke to someone from the Belmont board, they said that they could only discuss in their meetings with the school district had brought up, and they had not brought up traffic patterns. And, by my estimation there’s about 400 students expected to come in from the Ridge into Harvest through two side streets through two small roads - 19th and 17th St. Both of which allow public parking and it’s already very hard for cars coming from two different directions to go down them and they did not hear anything about traffic going through those side streets when the school district made their presentation so, now they have to wait until there are complaints from the public, which wouldn’t happen until school is in session in August. They wouldn’t meet again until September and we could be dealing with very big traffic issues that would affect drop off and pick up at JRE if that’s not addressed before school starts so I’m hoping that you guys are working on that and that you will be going to the Belmont water district with some recommendations as to how they should route traffic until Cleveland Gibbs is complete.
So, that’s one piece. And then the second piece is we still don’t have any financials for your 10-Year Strategic Plan and you are asking for a raise for teachers, which I am in complete agreement with, they deserve it. They deserve that money however, the resolution that you guys have - that you guys posted on the website shows that it would only guarantee compensation for the first year, and it doesn’t say anything about removing that tax if and when the state does start to reimburse the school the way that it should be for the students and those two things would mean that if you do need money for your 10 Year Strategic Plan for the two year High School split you’re in essence you could in essence take from this tax money that you would be advertising as money for raises for teachers. So, it’s something that the optics would not look good if it doesn’t have - if you don’t either have that financial information along with maybe changing the language in the resolution if it truly is meant to be something that’s meant to compensate teachers - that money – so, those are the two things that I wanted to bring up. Thank you so much."
Regarding Topic 1 - Traffic: To clarify, district records show that there are 194 students zoned to JRE from The Ridge. As a standard practice, Campus and District Administration work with the Argyle ISD Police Department and the police departments of the respective towns in which the campus is located to communicate the most appropriate traffic flow routes for parents and students. These processes will be communicated during the District’s Back-to-School communication campaign.
The resolution is a necessary step for the Board of Trustees to make changes to the compensation plan mid-year.
Any mid-year adjustments to compensation can only occur with additional revenue, such as the passage of a Voter Approved Tax Rate Election (VATRE) in November 2024.
Should the VATRE pass, the remainder of the balance left after the mid-year compensation increase would be added to the M&O budget (from which teachers and staff are paid). Future staff compensation increases would be funded from the M&O budget - supported by the VATRE tax increase.
A mid-year compensation increase would be a recurring expense on the M&O side of the budget. At least 80% of the M&O budget is for staffing costs. The Board also adopts a tax rate annually and evaluates it during the budget process. The resolution does not commit to future compensation plans or tax rates because future Boards will need to consider those options.
Board Meeting Public Forum Guidelines
During public forum, board members will listen to comments but, as the designated spokesperson, only the president may respond to the speaker, if needed, and refer concerns to the appropriate administrator. Speakers can comment on agenda items, but Trustees will not be able to discuss the items until they are before the Board during the meeting. [During special meetings speakers can only comment on agenda items.]
Board Policy BED (LOCAL) provides the presiding officer the ability to adjust the time allotted per speaker for effective meeting management. Pursuant to that policy, an individual’s comments to the Board at tonight’s meeting shall not exceed 5 minutes. The presiding officer may reduce the allotted time for each individual to speak to no less than one minute for effective meeting management. Speakers are not allowed to receive time from other individuals.
Specific complaints about individual district personnel are to be processed through the District's grievance policies as set out in District Policies DBA, FNG and/or GF. Speakers are not permitted to refer to individual students or employees by name during the public comment period. Additionally, if you have a pending grievance that may come before the Board in a Level III hearing, please refrain from addressing the topic of your grievance except through the grievance process.
Per Board Policy BED and this Board’s Operating Procedures, the Board will not allow disruption of the Board meeting by members of the public. If, after one warning from the presiding officer, any person continues to disrupt the meeting by words or actions, the person will be removed from the meeting.
Please note that board policy requires speakers to sign up in person before the meeting is called to order.