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Legislative Priorities

The Board of Trustees of the Argyle Independent School District has identified our first group of priorities for the 89th Legislature, which will convene in January 2025. The emphasis is on public school funding – an issue in which our community has expressed a deep interest. These priorities focus on funding reforms that will increase the state’s funding for all public school districts. 

We believe that the most effective solutions for school funding begin with an increase in the basic allotment. That would increase funds available to all districts in the state. Texas ranks 42nd in the country in per-pupil state public education funding, $4000 per student behind the national average. (Source Raise Your Hand Texas and EdWeek 2021 Quality Counts Educational Opportunities and Performance in Texas) 

Texas deserves better! With 5.1 million students enrolled in public schools across Texas, it is imperative that our state legislature addresses the public school funding crisis and invests in the future of Texas, our workforce, and our economy! Argyle ISD stands together, advocating for appropriate funding to meet the expectations of our community in our high-performing public school district. 

Invest in the Future of Texas, Our Workforce, & Economy 

Invest in the Future of Texas, Our Workforce, & Economy