Questions? Please reach out to us at:
In order to ensure that the election process is transparent, fair and open to all, there are several websites and government agencies, listed below, that can answer questions or address concerns. For more information, please contact the Secretary of State’s Office at 800-252-VOTE (8683).
Denton County Elections Administration is responsible for voter registration and conducting all federal, state, and county elections and certain elections for municipalities, independent school districts and other political subdivisions that contract with Denton County for elections services.
Secretary of State serves as the Chief Election Officer for the State of Texas, assisting county election officials and ensuring the uniform application and interpretation of election laws through the state. This office may be contacted at 800-252-VOTE (8683) or 512-463-5650 or via www.sos.state.tx.us. The Texas Secretary of State created http://www.votetexas.gov/ to provide election information such as where to vote, what to bring, what the process is like, and much more, in a user-friendly format.
Texas Ethics Commission provides guidance to candidates and political parties to maintain equality for all involved in the election process. The Commission may be contacted at 800-735-2989 or 512-463-5800 or http://www.ethics.state.tx.us/
Voter Registration Application Information for Denton County can be found at https://www.votedenton.gov/voter-registration/
House Bill 25, passed during the 85th Legislative Session, eliminated straight-party voting effective September 1, 2020 (Section 64.004, Texas Election Code). If you wish to vote for all of the candidates affiliated with one party, you should select each candidate one at a time on your ballot. (El Proyecto de Ley 25 de la Cámara de Representantes, aprobado durante la 85a Sesión Legislativa, eliminó la votación de partido único a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2020 (Sección 64.004, Código Electoral de Texas). Si desea votar por todos los candidatos afiliados a un partido, debe seleccionar a cada candidato uno a la vez en su boleta.)
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